Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Hunger Games-- Names

Jolly, didn't you want to talk about Peeta's name?

That really annoyed me. It's lame.

Isn't that a type of bread?

That's why they named him that way, because he's the baker's son.

You're a baker, you name your son after bread?

And if you're in the forest, your name is Katniss after a plant! Make's sense!


That's so cool.

And if you work with jewels, you get named Glimmer.

Yeah, that's pretty lame. The ridiculous stuff they name them in the rich Districts.

* * *

I think they should have let us hear each person's interview, because it's kind of annoying to keep track of who's dead and who's not.

Half of these people don't even have names.

I think she didn't want to talk more about it because she didn't want to slow down the book, she wanted to make the book fast.

Also, I don't think she wanted the people to have an emotional connection to the person, because once you know their name, you sort of get to know them a bit more.

But the whole book is supposed to be gruesome and people dying...

I think she should have at least nicknamed them, like she did with Foxface.

Did Foxface ever get a real name?


No, she was just Foxface.


  1. im actually auditioning for the role of Foxface in the upcoming movie.

    i think the book should have had more detail about each person's death. just sayin


  2. i would really like to try out for the part of clove

  3. When Are the Audditions?


  5. please tell me when the auditions are...
    i really want to audition.
    please the person that is auditioning for foxface, can you please post a comment telling me when the auditions are...
    please, please, please!

  6. i really want to know when the auditions are!
    i want to audition for the part of katniss,
    i have long brown hair, brown eyes, im '5'ft something, im fit and i can act... i think(lol)

  7. the auditions are at your mothers house

  8. Caps lock doesn't make you cool, so just turn it off. Seriously, it's annoying.

  9. Hey! Jolly! Thanks for making a profile.

    Yeah, I don't think anyone on this site knows anything about auditions or even if there's going to be a movie, so...

  10. There is going to be a movie. IMDB says it's in pre-production, set to come out in 2010. Although I haven't heard anything about auditions either..

  11. ^scratch that^ it's supposed to come out in 2011.. sorry.

  12. I would be great at Katniss, but I can also do Clove's scene really well. I'm nowhere near professional, but I'm seriously thinking about auditioning. Maybe I would at least get the part of a tribute. I have the right presence for Katniss (not too tall but not small, muscular but not big, strong), but I have dark brown hair, pale skin, blue eyes. Oh well. I desperately want to be in the movie, and I'd be the right age (14 on the 17th, so maybe around 15 for the auditions). I'm keeping my eyes open for audition information.

  13. I want to audition. I dont think i could be Katniss, but I could be Rue ( I look like i did when i was her age with some exceptions. im 14 now). Or i would appreciate a smaller part.

  14. I'd really love to audition. I hope they have an audition tour.

  15. that'd be sweet if they had open auditions!i mean, the odds of getting a part...but it'd still be way cool to say you tried out for a movie over spring break :)

  16. well i havent really read the book but im planning on too next month! everyone loves it and im really interested in acting ! im in a modeling and acting industry and been in dance for 10 years. im 13 and 5'7 close to black hair and light brown eyes that have a tad of olive green in the middle so if anything please post anytthing you know for acting auditions for the hunger games THANKS !

  17. continuatiion of that ^^^^ sorry
    i could pass for a 17 year old and in 2010 i could possibly pass for 18!

  18. I doubt that they'll have open auditions, that's really rare. But I would love to audition for Katniss. I'm sixteen right now, tall and thin but strong, with dark brown hair, olive skin and light eyes. Also, Lionsgate (the producers) are based in Vancouver, where I am, so they might hold the auditions here because alot of movies are filmed here like the twilight movies. I think I have a good chance, because I've acted many plays before and always get A's in Theatre.
    Also, for people who say that they'll be old enough in 2011, most films are filmed over a year before it's release date. Once you're cast (which should be soon) there'll be a few months of training (archery, stunts ect.) then a few months of filming probably in the winter/early 2010. Then your jobs over, and editors take it from there. That's how acting works. So, most people probably won't look old enough in the next few months.

    quatro, the movie is in 2011, so you'll have plenty of time to audition... just keep on checking the internet as i have been doing for a few months (like every day) and when the opprotunity arrizes take it! or just write the director yourself! it's not that hard!!!
    cinco, just be happy and rightr now you should be anxious for the release of catching fire... unless you were luckey enough to get an arc.... uh... i wish i were you....

  20. How do you write to the director? Like an email? I've been checking too because I desperately want to audition for Katniss... Its striking how much we look alike (or at least I think) and her and my personalities are so similar... Is there a link for someone to wrtie to?

  21. But here's the question; can any of you act to save your lives?

  22. Lolz! I'm planning to audion for Primrose or Rue, probably Rue since I like her better. I can't wait for the audtions to start, they're starting sometime in 2010.

  23. Hey, I'd love to audition too, I'd take any part and I love acting so anyone with info PLEASE tell!!!!!!

  24. Hi! However knows anything about auditioning for this film, send me an email on andriane_1996@hotmail.com

  25. I've just finished reading Catching Fire and it's amazing.
    As for the Hunger Games film, I'm English but can do a really good American accent and would love to come to America to audition. PLEASE can someone post something on here. I'm nothing like any of the characters but would love to see how the movie is intended to be interpreted.
    Thank you!

  26. ^^Sorry, I meant to say please can somebody post something on here if they know anything about the auditions (:

  27. I would love to audition too... as well as everyone else here. I would probably audition for Primrose or Rue, probably rue because i like her better and i am in the circus... no not the one with animals in it, but i think i would be good for her becuase she jumps through trees and everything. i am the right age for her, and i love actring. i'm not sure i look much like her though...

  28. Oh I would love to audition for katniss! :) so i'm keeping a look out for auditions, which i hope are coming around sooner or later, anyways i may not be exactly like katniss, but I would make a pretty good one, if that makes sense? :D So if anyone really knows when/where they auditions are, Post it!

  29. Seriously, no one answers any of these quesetions. But, if I could be any part I would be Katniss or Madge. There both really cool parts. Plus, you all think you can be Katniss, but only one can be. I HOPE THERE ARE OPEN AUDITIONS!

  30. i want tobe katniss because im olive skinned toned with dark hair and greyish brown eyes in the 2nd book it also says shes close to 70 pounds and so am i! i want to audition

  31. I really wnat to audition for the role of Katniss Everdeen. I would do wonderfully at the part, however, some working out will be needed so I can get fit for the movie. Please, if anyone knows, post when and where auditions will be.

  32. I, personally, am planning on auditioning for Rue. I look very similar to how she was supposed to look, and I'm fairly athletic. Plus Rue's role would be perfect for me since it's a minor one, and my acting is decent but not fabulous as it would need to be for a main role. In any case, I'll be keeping my eye on the makings of the movie, as I think we all will.

  33. Okay, is no one listening? I am an actress, I know what I'm talking about. The casting will be soon, if it's not already over. Lionsgate doesn't need the script to be complete to cast, people. Casting takes MONTHS and is terribly boring, it takes place far, far before anything is set. I'm sorry to rain on your parade, but if you've never acted in anything, don't get your hopes up. You actually have to be good, you know? If you manage to land an audition, you'll be up against THOUSANDS of girls with major experience. The leads will most likely go to someone well known. Sorry. Just, reality check people.

  34. Well that burst a lot of people's bubble's, but sadly she is right. That doesn't mean you can't try though!! I'm an actress and I know you won't go ANYWHERE if you give up that quickly

  35. Actually, they are not looking for someone well known, they are looking for a fresh face and someone who can strip away most of themselves and take on these roles. granted It will be difficult to land a part, you never know unless you try. If you are meant for the part you will get it; if not you get experience. And don't let some people discourage you, they are just trying to take away actual competition. Sorry. just, reality check people...

  36. Katniss is not 70 pounds in the second book! and probably not even in the first. She ate well enough in the first book; not great but not like anorexic. and she also gained weight and muscle in the second book. Finnicks mentor; the one Katniss carried was like 70 pounds. lol sorry bout that just don't think u have to look skeletal to play that part : )

  37. I was about to say you'd be nothing but bones XD ahh it'd be so much fun to play a part in that film :) I don't have olive skin but it's this is the closest I've looked like any character in a book, i might audition once it comes out but i assume you have to be american :/

  38. uhmmm, someone on utube said that the auditions wil be on january 2010... is it true???

  39. I would lovelovelove to audition for Katniss! I do lots of musical theatre, and I can sing and act. They most likely won't cut out Katniss' song to Rue, so I would think whoever got the part would have to sing well. I have olive skin, dark hair, and I could always get contacts to cover up the fact that I have dark brown eyes. If anyone has ANY information alt all, please post it! Thanks!

  40. I want to audition for the movie but i don't know where they are auditioning
    All my friends said i should audition for Foxface but i'm Asain...
    I need to know where they are auditioning
    Cna anyone help?

  41. Does anybody know Foxface's age???

  42. if anyone does audition for this movie, just remember to be confident and not nervous. if you act like you are really scared, it will leave no impression, also you won't be remembered if you don't make them think that you are the character

  43. Dude i'm psyched about the auditions (eventhough i'm english ho ho) There's no new information on the auditions, i only know that Suzanne Collins will be writing the screen play after she's finished the third book, the movie itself is scheduled for release around late 2011 apparently so keep a sharp eye and ear, i'll look forward to seeing the katniss auditionees at the date and place of the auditions :D

  44. hhehehehehehe! im sooo excited to go to the auditions...if i can. i don't even care if i don't get a speeking role, it would just be exciting to go and stand up there and do your best to be the character!!! im sooo excited, i can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!

  45. I want to audition for Katniss! Right now I'm 5'1", so I should definately be tall enough and old/young (depending on how you look at it) enough to audition for her. And, to all the people who say they look like Katniss, I didn't expect Voldemort in Harry Potter to look like he did, or Elena in Vampire Diaries, so I think it's up to the casting director whether or not you look like Katniss.

  46. i would really like to audition for the part of glimmer, or even a smaller part. i would be thrilled to have any part in the movie. i actually am a good actress but i know unfortunately my chances of getting any part are slim because i havent had any real experience

  47. me too! i have had experiance in three school plays, but not thing that would go in your acting portfolio. i would love to ever get a small part in the movie. please, if anyone has any info, that would be great!

  48. Anything can go in your acting portfolio! If you look up "resume format" there's a spot on the resumes to put any information about local experience that you may have! Personally, I've been in 11 musicals and 3 straight plays, so that looks great on resumes because I've just got so much there. I've gotten 5 leads total.Currently I'm Lily St. Regis in Annie! (Which I'm SO excited for!) It would be great to be able to audition for Katniss, but on every site I've looked at, practically all of the people posting comments are hoping to be Katniss. But I'll keep my hopes up!

  49. There's a page talking about the meaning of names of each major character from the first book at www.skyling.net/book-reviews/the-hunger-games-by-suzanne-collins . It seems really interesting.

  50. If you have been an extra in a bunch of movies does that Count as well? I ve been in a few plays also. I hope I can sing ive never really had practice unless you count 6th grade forced choir.
    If anyone has any info about auditions I would really appreciate any info.

  51. i loved readin the books and so did everyone and i guess everyone is going to want to be the lead (and want to kiss gale).just so u know... just about anyone could get the part, u dont have to have HEAPS of experience or be a celeb for the person who gets the part of katniss will definently be a fresh face!

  52. I would love to audition for Rue, I think I could be her, despite my freckles -_-' but they could makeup those off, but my hair could be the wrong color too, it dont matter, I just wanna be rue!

  53. Does anyone now when the auditions are???


  55. i think it would be totally awesome to audition for prim. Im 11 but i could totally pass for 12 even 13 people say. and im not musculair and im really emotional and cant stand to see animals killed so i could totally pull it off!

  56. Wow guys calm down please, especially those discouraging others. Yes they could start the auditioning process without a screenplay, but thats not the wisest thing to do as the screenplay could change how the casting directors feel about a character.
    And I,personally dont think experience matters, Katniss and Peeta and the other main characters should be completely unknown, or at least not well known. Its better that way. Thats what they did with Harry Potter and that was fantastic. Now Im not trying to compare The Hunger Games to Harry Potter Im just sayin that that worked out well for them. So yeah, I think if we want to audition, get yourself an agent just in case and keep looking out for info on the sites and fan sites and Yahoo! because really guys, you never know. =]

  57. Wow. So many people..........

  58. ahh well :D even if there are a hundred thousand people auditioning everyone has a chance at it right? if you guys want to audition for a role, whatever the reason, GO FOR IT! don't be disheartened by people saying you have no chance on getting a part because though the chance is small it's still there. There's still no info on the movie auditions yet but suzanne still needs to finish the 3rd book and write the script so probably a while off yet :)

  59. ok 1st of all, WHO CARES?? not the movie, but like if u have brown hair and olive eyes no1 wants 2 hear about that, no offense. seriously, thats not gonna do anything 4 u.
    and yes, i agree. audition anyway. if u dont get in, at least u can say u tried, right? and the ppl saying that they want it 2 be as good as the book (so do i) well, stephanie collins herself is writing the screenplay, so if there was sumtin really important in the book she's gonna try and put it in the movie 2.
    i think btw that experience does matter. sure, they dont want someone really well known, but they obviously want some1 who's done more than school plays. this is a movie guys. take it seriously.

  60. o and btw the person up top who said peeta was a bread..actually, its pita.

  61. i, personally, would would be happy to play just an extra in the movie(but i would *love* to play katniss). how awesome would it be to say that you helped bring the movie to life? any audition info anyone???

  62. Anon 4:13, thanks for the link! That is interesting.

  63. how did this go from talking about the book in general to everyone just asking when movie auditions are?? anyways, one thing ive always been curious about in catching fire: why was dictrict 12 blown up? (or whatever happened to it that gale talks about at the end.) 12 didnt really do anything, other districts, like 8 and 11, were much more rebellious towards the Capitol. and do u think cinna is dead? it never actually said it just said he was beaten.... i really hope not i love him :(

  64. hmm... that is a very good question. i think that district 12 was blown up to punish katniss. if district 12 is blown up, then everyone in it is too(but gale rescued prim and katniss' mom). you can't forget how ruthless president snow is. about cinna, i think that, like peeta, the capitol will try to hold him for ransom. hope that helped! :)

  65. Does anyone know when the 3rd book comes out? I can't wait to see what happens to poor peeta!!!!

  66. I don't know really, perhaps september/october like last time? I'm soooo excited about it though aren't you? AND who Katniss will choose in the end (if any?) :D

  67. should be coming out sometime in fall of 2010. it's called 'the victors'.

  68. ahh I read it was coming out september 1st 2010, is that the title of the final book?

  69. oh and why does katniss get pregnant? does it even go into that! i mean, if i were auditioning for the movie and they ended up doing all 3, i probably wouldnt want to go intto details about that kind of stuff....

  70. Yes thank you! that did help :)
    About the third book: yup, the title is rumored to be The Victors, and it comes out sometime 2010. Im soooo excited! I personally hope she will choose Gale, but I think she will actually end up with Peeta. It just makes for a better storyline and a happy ending...plus i think katniss is really starting to like him.

  71. Katniss isnt actually pregnant, she just said that to make it look like Peeta and her were still deeply in love and to get sympathy votes.
    am i right here? or am i having a horrible lapse in memory?? D:

  72. oh come on don't say what happens in the 2nd book... some of us haven't read it yet...

  73. fine, i just want to say this one thing about the 2nd book. you above the paragraph above mine! you're right. katniss and peeta are just tryng to get sympathy votes.

  74. well fingers crossed for Gale eh?
    though i have a feeling one of the two will die in the third book :( it seems like one of those tragedy plot-type outcome
    but i hope no one does
    because it'll make everyone sad :'(

  75. i would be very sad if peeta died. :'(

  76. omg ur so right! one will probably die. I hadn't thought of that. no matter which dies, ill be miserable.... I really hope Madge is a more prominent character in the next book. I like her but she doesnt really do much besides give katness the pin..

  77. well, she is katniss' friend. but yeah, that's not much. what if prim dies?! that would be so sad. and it could happen...

  78. oh i just remembered! she gave gale the morphling!

  79. i'll cry if Prim dies, or anyone really, god i love but absolutely hate these love triangle storylines especially ones as good as the hunger games where you just love both the guys >_< and yeah, i hope madge is more in this coming book
    I don't reckon her and the mayor would have been killed but i'm dreading to find out who actually died :(

  80. honestly, i'm not sure if the love triangle will have a happy ending.

  81. probably not, i can't even decide if this book is actually going to have a happy ending but either way i'm anxious to see what happened to peeta when the capitol got him (sorry people who haven't read catching fire!)

  82. oh yeah, me too. do you think that madge and gale love each other?

  83. i don't know really, he snapped at her before and we don't know what happened while katniss was at the games both times so there's a possibility, BUT i don't think Gale can or will love anyone else but katniss

  84. yeah, and it's the same for peeta. so for one of the boys, it's going to be an unhappy ending.

  85. Hello Everyone this is Nicholas C. And this is to let you all know that casting is over. I will be playing Peeta after a vicious round of auditions. Bonnie Wright is foxface, Katniss is played by Emma Watson and Galeisplayed by Sterling Knight. All other characters are played by unknown actors being introduced.Filming starts on April 17th 2010. Thankk You

  86. yeah, sure. uh huh. i believe that. yep. no doubt about it. i'm absolutely positive you are right. CONGRATULATIONS! (in case you can't tell sweetie, i'm being sarcastic)

  87. ok nicholas c. r u playing a joke
    seriously its not funny
    why would they have british actresses and american actors? looks 2 me like u just listed a bunch of famous movie stars. personally i think emma watson would do horribly as katniss and sterling knight is NOT a gale. and bonnie wright couldnt play foxface.if this is a joke its not funny and u should come right out and say it.
    btw if the auditions already happpended how come no one at all knew a bout it or said ANYTHING about it???? huh???
    yep i went there.

  88. i think maybe madge likes gale but gale certainly doesnt like madge. i agree. gale likes katniss and its SO obvious.

  89. if you look at the top it says "spoiler alert" so if u dont wanna no what happens then don tb here. just sayin. but thats so cool that the 3rd book is finaaly gonna come out soon!

  90. hey there was a random person at te top of this whole blog list thing that said she was auditioning for the role of foxface in the upcoming movie. i have a wuestion for her. when r u auditioning exactly?

  91. i think she was asking when they were, and she *wants* to audition.

    i am SO excited about the third book!!!!

  92. so to clarify does no-one know about the auditions apart from that phoney guy who claims to be peeta???? im 15 but tres short at only 4 ft 11 and a blonde i really wanna play rue or prim i couldnt kill an animal if my life depended on it tho i can shoot a centre gold on a target! but the only fly in the ointment is IM ENGLISH i can do a good realistic accent ive not acted properly but can be a versitile actress so anyone know??? x

  93. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  94. i know what you mean. i don't think that any book by suzanne collins could be bad though.

  95. hm, maybe we should all try to have low expectations(just kidding). and people, WE ARE HERE TO DISCUSS THE BOOK. (i'm not trying to be cool by using all caps by the way, just trying to get my point across)

  96. i really hope that peeta and katniss stay together in the third book...

  97. i don't know. i think that gale really loves her too...

  98. i like peeta better though!

  99. but i guess she should be with the one she likes better.

  100. yes, i like peeta better as well(so i'm hoping she ends up with gale). but the question is, who *does* she like better?

  101. *spoiler alert* what if peeta turns evil? you know how they captured him at the end of 'catching fire'? well, maybe they change him.

  102. omggg!! tht wuld be such a great twist! peetas so loyal to katniss tho i wonder wat they wuld say to make him evil...

  103. maybe they wouldn't say anything. the capitol has some pretty hi-tech stuff.

  104. that would be freaking awesome :D and absolutely devistating at the same time, ah it'll be sad when the series is finished don't you think? T.

  105. oh yeah. i want to know how it ends but i don't want it to end.

  106. i just really hope that katniss gets out of it alive. what do you think happend to cinna in the second book? i also hope that they clear that up to.

  107. cinna i think they either a) made an avox, b) killed him, or c) they kept him for ransom. i hope she clears that up too. cinna's such a great character!

  108. i hope cinna didn't die :( and it'll be sad if they made him an avox but i can so see it happening :/
    i just want the ending to be GOOD

  109. me 2! im so looking forward to it. I'd actually rather that gale and katniss stay together. I never really liked Peeta that mcuh. And i think that they probably did make cinna an avox, considering what hapeneed. it would b so sad though! he's such a great character.

  110. hey do you think an indian girl could audition for katniss?

  111. i think so. i mean she's supposed to have olive skin and dark hair, right?

  112. yeah propably but what are you gonna do with your accent if you're from india?

  113. hey i wanna ask u something... to audition u've got to have a manager???

  114. no idea dude, if it's open auditions i wouldn't think so
    but yeah i never really liked peeta either
    he's sweet but i don't think he's right for katniss
    gaallleee yeeaaahhh :)

  115. WE ARE TALKING ABOUT THE BOOK. really people, this is a book discussion website. not an audition page!

  116. yeah, i agree. back to the book discussion... i think cinna became an avox too. (unless they are holding him locked in tower and forcing him to make evil fashion designs)

  117. ahh that would be sad eh? i love cinna so i still hope that they didn't make him an avox :(
    who do you think will actually die in the third book because that in itself is just inevitable :/

  118. hm, i think that haymitch will die. haymitch or gale.

  119. i agree, i think that either haymich will die, or either peeta or gale will die.if neither peeta or gale die, the i think that she will introduce a new charater, or maybe madge (if she isn't dead) into the story so that when katniss picks the guy she wants, the other guy will have someone to love as well. thats just my opinion though.

  120. while that would be nice, i think that suzanne collins is capable of choosing an unhappy ending.

  121. what if katniss dies?

  122. but there isnt an audition page so this is the closest people can get!

  123. katniss???no way... that would be soooooooo NOT cool....i mean she's the main character she should so not die.....

  124. no, there *are* pages set up to discuss the auditions. this page is set up to discuss the book. if someone actually KNOWS when the auditions are here, then by all means say so. if you just want to say that you think you would be fantastic for the part, this is not the place. dozens of people have already said that.

  125. i think that katniss could die. maybe switch from her point of view to another persons after she dies.

  126. do u know when the 3rd book comes out?

  127. it comes out sometime next fall. it's called 'the victors'.

  128. mm maybe but it wouldn't make an aweful lot of sense to switch it around like breaking dawn, if katniss were to die it would probably be at the very end of the book. No matter how much i don't want her to die i doubt the districts and katniss etc could actually overcome the capitol unless they got to president snow first...then again he's going to be guarded with hundreds of body guards and things xD

  129. oh and the people who are asking about the movie auditions keep an eye out on the internet and on this site http://themockingjay.vndv.com/themovie.html

  130. yeah, i guess it wouldn't make much sense to switch it around. and thanks for the link.

  131. thnx for the link dude...

  132. anyone know what ALL of the districts do?

  133. nooo! no katniss dying.... i dont think its gonnna be a happy ending but katniss dying wuld be too much. after all shes been thru!!
    1-luxury items
    3-factories, manufacturing, technology
    5-selling and breeding animals
    8-weavers (work w/ cotton and things)
    9-hunters, but only within their district lines
    10-good at math, trade w/ foreign countries
    if u go to http://thehungergamesrpg.proboards.com/index.cgi?
    and scroll down there are forums about each district.

  134. thank you so much!

  135. katniss dying would be too much,
    one way or the other it'll be awesome to see what the ending brings
    i don't thik i've ever read a book that had an unhappy ending so it'd be interesting nonetheless :)

  136. yup. :)
    i like books with endings that arent completely happy. i hate it when authors sugarcoat things. i rlly think one of the main characters, BESIDES KATNISS, are going to die. (gale, peeta, haymitch, even prim.)

  137. i think that it might happen, but i like all of the characters!!! i don't whant any of them to die

  138. me neither.... but sadly i think shes gonna make it happen anyways. since i highly doubt katniss is goin to participate in the hunger games AGAIN, ppls are gonna need to die somehow. tht suspense factor needs to be there.

  139. what do you guys think district 13 will be like?
    idk what it will be like...plus, will we get to meet any exciting new characters?

  140. what if prim goes to the hunger games???

  141. i don't think there will be anymore hunger games. have you read catching fire???
    i think that district 13 will be similiar to the capitol, just less crazy.

  142. thats what i thought to, no people tatooing there bodies is crazy, distorted way, no shallow values

  143. gah i really for the life of me can't imagine what's going to happen in the third book, the suspense is killing me >_<

  144. what if prim gets in the hunger games and then she does it from her point of view? that would b a change

  145. it'd be interesting but since the series is based on katniss' situation from her point of view it wouldn't make much sense
    i can see it though, kind of like stephanie meyer's attempt at writing a fifth book :)

  146. lol, wonder if that book's ever gonna come out.

  147. i don't know, i can't really see it going through ALL the books again
    but the re-write of twilight from edward's view is kind of weirdly interesting :D

  148. BUT, i doubt that Suzzanne would do that, i think that it would be sad if it was from prims veiw, and prim where in the area, because that would meen that the capital wins and that peeta, gale, haymitch, and everyone else is dead!!!

  149. i know this page isnt about midnight sun but i just hav to say im sooo pissed about tht...
    i think prims pov wuld be interesting, but im rlly hoping this book focuses more on the takedown of president snow and the capitol, and not so much just another games. i mean, theyre rlly cool and everything, but i think a third time might get old.

  150. yeah, i'm pretty sure it's gonna focus more on taking down the capitol. even if there were more games, there would only be 22 contestants, and katniss wouldn't be in them. "there is no district 12 katniss"

  151. taking down the capital is cool with me!!

  152. mm, i agree, i doubt the games would be included in the next book with the rebellions going on in the other districts,
    I can't wait to see president snow get what he deserves!

  153. i think that zac efron should play finnick. completely off subject, i know.

  154. i could see him playing finnick, but i think that he might be too famous. then again, finnick is a "famous" character... so it might work...

  155. yeah, that's what i was thinking. finnick is supposed to be really famous and hot, and i just imagined him looking like zac efron.

  156. i think it would b wierd 2 hav some1 from such a down 2 earth book b played by a comedy actor.
    i think it would b cool about the capitol thing. i really wanna find out what the verdict is!!!!

  157. who's finnick again?

  158. finnick is from 'catching fire'. and he's not down to earth, except for in the games.

  159. it also says that he is really handsome, and popular with the capitol people.

  160. yup. poor finnick after the fog, he's all scabby and green and not pretty.

  161. i love finnick, and while i am totally anti-high school musical, i think zac might be good as finnick. he knows how to play the popular, over confident character.

  162. I really want to be rue in the movie and well ive been getting ready for the auditions and stuff!!!!!!! ive been working out for months and im dying my hair brown just for the event :) ive been trying to lose a couple of pounds because rue is very very small described by the book so im tryin to meet up to the expectations to her! o yeah i want to try out for prim if rue doesnt work.

  163. but can he also protray the emotional side of finnik? like when he and katniss get psychologicaly tortured by the jabberjays?

  164. good point. and considering the only movies ive seen him in are pretty kid-friendly and dont rlly require him to be very emotional, i rlly have no idea. maybe theyll choose to go the twilight route and pick pretty obscure actors.

  165. Well whoever they pick I think it'd be nice if the actors were unknowns for the first of the films at least
    Does anyone else think that the director will have a tough time keeping it pg13? Especially toward the end of the first book and dome scenes in the second.

  166. near the end, yes, i think that it would be harder to keep it pg 13, but that is the only part that i think may stop it from being pg 13 because it isn't really that bloody, and they don't necessaraly have tp show the blood that much... but it probably would be closer to r for the violence

  167. yeah, and what are they going to do for lines? katniss doesn't talk very much during the games. it's mainly in her head. do you think that they'll just do a voice over?

  168. sorry that was meant to be *some not dome, and yeah maybe a voice over, or suzanne might make her talk to herself
    failing that the 'silence is stronger' approach which could work,
    the only problem is if people haven't read the book they won't udnerstand what's going on.
    She could make the time where katniss is alone shorter (i.e. the travelling scenes) until she meets with rue and then peeta,
    i wonder how they're going to do the whole 'like a piece of meat' thing without it being to gory

  169. i think they;d probably do a voice over. it would portray katniss as a very odd person if she was just there talking to herself. and what i meant by down to earth was the book, not the person.

  170. Hey! If anyone knows anything about the auditions, will they please post it? I would love to audition! I know a lot of people have asked that already, but I just can't help myself! :) Sorry! Ha!

  171. yeah, people who talk to themselves generally aren't viewed as completely sane. to keep it pg13 they might not even show cato(it is cato right? my brain is temporarily malfunctioning)at the end.

  172. hmm. yeah pg 13 might be kinda hard, but i doubt they wuld go higher and do r, since the books audience is probably younger and wuldnt be able to see r. actually when i was reading the book the first time, how they would do her voice in the movie was one of the things i was wondering about.i think they will just do a voice over or maybe cut out some thinking parts that arent as important.
    and yes it is cato at the end.

  173. Yeah, suzanne will most likely take out the 'filler' scenes or some where she's alone, or like i said before, make them shorter.
    It says the books are for 'Teens' so i suppose that would suggest ages 13+, though it's highly unlikely if suzanne wanted to get in the sections of gore she wants it could be a 15 at most, lord of the rings got away with quite a lot of violence at a 12A/PG so who knows :)
    also as i've said before, about auditions and things no one knows as of yet, suzanne collins has yet to finish the third book and write the screen play so they'll most likely be auditioning next summer/autumn some time, keep an eye on this website http://themockingjay.vndv.com/themovie.html and on google and such

  174. i think that if they cut out cato, that would totally ruin the whole ending. it would be worse than twilight.

  175. Agreed, it would totally suck

  176. the new twilight movie wasn't that bad. in the book, most of what happens is in bellas head, but they did an okay job at getting the point across, so i think that their will most definitely be a good way to portray katnisses thoughts. allot of her thoughts are flash backs, or her remembering something that happened in her life, so that would be pretty easy to show, but what will be the hardest is how she feals about all of it, unless they did a voice over of her saying, ohh, that made me feal horrible, or oh, that was sad. but, thats just my opinion...

  177. yeah that would work i think. i imagined it being a voice over but thats just me. It's gonna be interesting to see what she chooses.

  178. Ya I wanted to know if they had auditons around the Twin Citites. Me and a bunch of people wanted to go down and try to be extras! (capitol people)? There have been rumors about early 2010 but thats coming up; shouldn't there be mor information? If anyone knows please post!

  179. i think a voice over would work really well. not a 'hey, i feel upset about this!'(that would be lame), but her actual thoughts.

  180. i think that she should do a voice over. not saying 'oh i feel mad right now', that would be lame, but a voice over of her saying her thoughts.

  181. mm, that would be cool, but i don't know if i could sit through the whole movie if it was just that, i think nina should make a fair few of katniss' alone scenes dramatic in the sense that no words need to be said to get the emotion across to the audience

  182. again everyone please any information will be posted when it's available but i highly doubt it'll be available until next spring at the very least! like i said keep an eye on the link i've posted and around google because there are hundreds of the same questions being asked
    also to those of us leaving our inititals after our comments i've just noticed it spells out T.E.A.M. weird huh?

  183. huh, that is weird. T.E.A.M. The Hunger Games!

  184. *x-files theme* O_O
    I think someone's trying to tell us something...

  185. what are you talking about???

  186. ANYWAY back to the book...

  187. you know, i've been re reading the hunger games again and i've always wondered how they're going to do the whole "Katniss, the girl on fire" thing. What do you guys think?

  188. well, they might actually light the outfit on fire. i just hope they don't use those clothy- wavy- glowy things that they use for fake torches. they'll probably use computer animation.

  189. computer animation seems like the most likely thing that they will do. if they use real fire, the actors will be at a high risk of being hurt, and they would have to make numerous costumes for the actors so that if the actors mess up the scene, they have back up costumes
    look at me ranting about fake fire and costumes...

  190. oh, i can't wait to see the dress for her interview! but i'm most looking forward to the actual games. if bella was in the hunger games, she would die. just sayin'

  191. i agree completely!

  192. ahaha oh my god you're so right!
    I'm just looking forward to costumes in general
    and rue's little interview dress :)

  193. rues costume is pretty cute, which is why i want to be rue in the upcoming movie (their are other reasons too) if any one has info, that would be sweet!

  194. ok, i think we've al established that we want to audition and if anyone is reading this, they will definitetly post something when they find out.There's no need for millions of posts to just be "i want to audition give me info!!" and its not like its going to get you anywhere in life.no offense ppl, im not trying to be mean, plz dont take it the wrong way...

  195. agreed! but yeah anyway, how do you think they'll do all the intro costumes and interview garments? i mean, such as glimmer's costume (since it's supposed to be practically see-through) how much can you get away with now in pg13-rated films?

  196. I'm sorry to bring this conversation back to the movie, but I believe what Nicholas C. said is rubbish. IMDB would have the information very soon following the casting--they always do--and I'm sure, since this is such a big craze, there would have been a slip-up. Anyways, IMDB still lists The Hunger Games as "In-Production", meaning that they are still in the pre processes before filming.


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